How Does Rose Work?

Rose is a Behavioral Health Integration and patient monitoring solution that seamlessly helps health care providers stay connected with their patients and monitor their mental health on a regular basis.

Patient & clinician agree to start using Rose Health

Patients use the Rose App to track their mental health and make sure they’re on track

Clinician or staff remotely monitor patient well-being and track progress

Between visits, patients receive tips and mental health resources curated specifically for them

Tour The App

Take control of your mental health, anywhere you are.

You can log how you’re feeling each day by submitting a daily journal entry. Find a time that works best for you during the day and integrate it into your daily routine. Your provider will automatically receive the log after you submit it.

The more you use Rose, the better it works for you.

By submitting a daily mood scale you can help your provider track your emotional well-being for a stronger care plan.

Get self-care resources tailored just for you.

Engage with a wide array of different resources that have been handpicked for you.

Benefits To Patients
viewing rosepanel


  • Virtual and real-time connection between you and your provider.
  • Journal and reflect on important moments, thoughts and feelings.
rose app mockup

Track and Measure

  • Track your progress with a mood monitoring dashboard​ based on daily check-ins.
  • Document notes and topics for your next appointment with your provider.
  • Educational resources and tips to support your progress.


Studies demonstrate significant improvement in mood and anxiety when patients engage in self-care between appointments. Rose encourages regular and repeated use, which ensures patients improve and stay on track over time.

Download The App

Focusing on your mental health is the first step. Next, download Rose.

Getting started is easy. Simply download the app, use your provider’s invitation to sign in and you’re all set to get started!